Perfect Mothers

What is your idea of a perfect mother?

Is it the impeccably dressed, cookie baking PTA mom? Is it the thriving six figure career momma? Is it the mom with the bleary eyes carrying an infant while dealing with her toddler's tantrum in the cereal aisle? Or could it be the mom who leaves  the dishes piled, the laundry unfolded and the kids in their pyjamas and calls the sitter for the much needed break?

 Is it one or all of the above?

There is a slew of articles, books and motivational speeches about moms taking good care of themselves and letting go of the idea of perfection. Yet the media still sets the rules of a good mother at oppressive and unattainable heights. We are constantly bombarded with with the one perfect snapshot of motherhood. Believing these snapshots are actually real, moms hide behind the mask of perfection.

Raising children is messy business.

However perfect mothers do exist.

Tomorrow I'll share my ten rules of perfect moms.


Need some help seeing your own perfection. I would love to help.

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