Single Mom Thriving: Mick Mulvaney have you ever spoken to a single mom?

In the recent news cycle the White House budget director, Mick Mulvaney, says our country cannot ask a single mom from Detroit to pay for PBS.

I have to ask, " Mr. Mulvaney, Mr. Trump and the entire White House, have you ever spoken to a single mom from Detroit?

Have you ever spoken to a single mom from anywhere in the USA?"

Evidently not.

If you had spoken to even one single mom, you would know that tax dollars spent is not on our radar.

PBS isn't even on our radar.

Raising children is on our 24/7 radar.

Go ahead cut free lunches, cut PBS, cut health insurance.

Cut everything you think single moms do not deserve.

We single moms will still raise our children seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

And we will do a fine job.

Single Moms create leaders.

Leaders in our schools, leaders in our commuity and one of the best leaders of our country.

 Please do not pretend you are doing single moms a favor.

Many single moms left abuse that looks just like what you are doing.

You use your power to make your hurting look like helping.

Us Single Moms are on to you.

We are a tough bunch.

You won't take us down!

Mr. Mulvaney and Mr. Trump,

Stop pretending your budget supports single moms.

Because it doesn't.

It only supports you.

Many blessings,

Peace and love,


Sign up on the top right.

Course in Miracles Monday

Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail. ACIM

Outside of yourself may help a wee bit.

It will be a distraction.

A maybe timeout.

But it will not heal or lead to growth.

Go within.

There is your answer.

Go get quiet.

Go dance to your favorite song.

Go be with someone you love.

Get outside.

Look at the sky.

Hug a tree.

Say thank you.

A million times.

Your answer is within.


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In meditation the miracle is in the return.

The miracle is in the return. 

In meditation we learn to gently bring our thoughts back to our breath. It doesn't matter how many times we have to do it. We just keep coming back.

In meditation we also learn that our thoughts are simply to be noticed. You don't beat yourself up for thinking of your breakfast menu, your to do list or an angry thought during mediatation. You simply return to breath.

Many say the return to breath is the entire reason to meditate.

Those minutes in meditation can teach us about reaching our goals.

And to embrace the miracle of the return.

I made the goal of writing a blog everyday in 2017.
For various reasons, I did not post a blog one day.
I got irritated at myself.
And didn't write one the next day.
Then got even angrier and skipped yet another day.
"I just may as well give up" I told myself.

We all have similar stories.

We make a mistake in the quest of achieving something and we give up.

Maybe there is another way.

Maybe achieving our goals could be like meditation.

We set a goal.

We get off track.

We notice it.

We get right back on track.

If we attempt to achieve a goal like we meditate, we leave out the suffering.

In meditation it simply doesn't matter how many times you drift into thought. The only thing that matters is you come back.

It is the same with achieving anything.

It doesn't matter how many times you get off course. The only thing that matters is that you get right back without the suffering.


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A Course in Miracles Monday

Let's all be willing to accept that which is true.

Within each and every one of us.

Perfect love exists.

We don't have to perfect to accept this truth.

We simply must accept it.


Feng Shui Friday

I teach courses on Feng Shui and I also incorporate it in my coaching practice and in my own home. It is a wonderful tool in creating a more tranquil and enjoyable life. I am dedicating Friday's blog to all things Feng Shui.

This is the third week of the nine week Bagua Map course. The Bagua map shows where the nine areas (guas) are located in your home.Each week I will give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas in your life in each area of your home. This week I will cover Abundant Blessings.

The abundance blessings area, often referred to as the money corner, isn't all about money. It is located in the far left area of your home and it is about being grateful for all of your blessings. I like to refer to this gua as the gratitude area. What we are grateful for expands.

Ways to enhance this area;
*Always start with cleaning and decluttering.
*Pictures and objects that symbolize abundance to you.
*A fountain or picture of raging water.
*The color purple or gold.

My gratitude area is outside due to a screened porch and deck that juts out of the back middle of my house. I marked the corner with a bird feeder. I   love watching the birds from my kitchen window. Right now there is an abundance of snow.

I have a garden overflowing with tiger lilies under all of that snow.

When you have an area outside, it is important to enhance the adjacent room's area.  Right now my fruit art is in the far left in my kitchen. Now that is some yummy grateful abundance !

Have fun! Remember Feng Shui is pronounced FUN Shway. Enjoy making your home a mirror of your wonderful life.


Best Blogs of March

At the start of 2017, I posted a blog on my best posts of the year.  You can read it here.

I have received numerous emails from readers asking me to do more roundups so they can have a list to peruse.

You ask.

I answer.

Here is a list of the most liked March blog posts since 2013.

March 2013:

Making March Meaningful

Such great memories here. It is no wonder why so many loved it. He was so little. Now he is so big!! This is a funny post. Read to the end!

March 2014:

Being Brave

     Brave is being here NOW just as you are.

March 2015:

Feng Shui Friday

Want more abundance in your life? This post is about enhancing your abundance using the bagua map. I have a free e book /course on the bagua map that you can have when you sign up to my email community. This is one of the lessons.

March 2016:

Stop Searching and Start Discovering

Looking for your life purpose? Look no more. 

So that's the March roundup.

Happy reading.

Many blessings,

Sign up on the top right to receive your free Feng Shui course.


Lent A time to recognize love.

These 40 days aren't really about fasting.

These forty days  aren't about giving anything up.

These forty days are about loving yourself.

 If fasting leads you closer to who you want to be. Go for it!

 If giving something up makes you more of yourself. Go for it!

Regardless of your religion, faith in God, or your proclaimed spirituality,

Something great lies within you!

It has nothing to do with religion or your version of God.

It is all about love.

Love lies within each and everyone of us.

Make Lent a time to conect with that Love.

By being quiet.

By appreciating what is right here.

By being kinder to yourself.

For forty days be a loving kindness to YOU!

Loving kindness to you  leads to lovng kindness to everyone you meet.

Let's do this.

Let's Love ourselves even more!


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