The Power Of A List

I was expressing to a dear friend of how alone I felt in dealing with a current situation. It is a common theme in my single mom life and it paralyzes me each and every time. The thought," I can't do this all alone,"  freezes my mind and  deflates my heart........Not the best way to create positive results.

 After hearing me out, my friend lovingly suggested that I make a list of everything I have accomplished 'all alone' in these years of being a single parent.

What a genius idea!

Reading my list immediately lifted my heart.

I can't do this all alone suddenly became I CAN do this.

Nothing about the situation changed. I am still in the midst of dealing with it and some of it is cruddy, yet looking at my list of accomplishments has given  me courage and hope and a 'you go girl' attitude.

I invite you to do the same. Make a list of everything you have accomplished and let it serve as a reminder to how strong you truly are!

Monday's Course in Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes reading and meditating with the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I post the day's lesson.

I will be still an instant and go home. ACIM

Friday's Feng Shui:Two Super Powers

I am dedicating Friday's blog to all things Feng Shui. I love utilizing Feng Shui in my own life and in my coaching practice.

Last week I wrote about clutter. Please know, ridding our homes/minds/hearts of clutter is no different than how our body rids itself of waste. It is a daily practice.

Our homes have two super powers. The two places that crave the most attention are the entry ways and the bedroom. These super powers let the energy in our home and  let us rejuvenate every cell in our body. Front doors and bedrooms matter!

 Do whatever you can with whatever you have to make your entry ways sparkle.
 Put something in the color scheme of reds in your doorway.
 Make a curve or turn with plants or rocks or (again) with what ever you have for the entrance. Try to make sure there is no straight line to your door.

Make your bed.
Make it beautiful in any way you can.
Get rid of all electronics, exercise equipment or anything work related. If this cannot be done, cover them with a pretty blanket or a pretty something.
Put a plant in there.
My personal favorite: Fresh flowers in my bedroom at all times.

To my front door in the summer with my thumb blocking the road. AHHH!