
                                                I have been feeling a lot like this lately:

                                                     A dear friend offered me these wise words:

Take solace in your discomfort. It is telling you something. Have the courage to act on it.

A Thought

            My daily spiritual practice includes reading a lesson from The Course of Miracles, meditating and writing in my journal.

This morning's lesson was a doozy:
               " I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts" ACIM

This is such a true and simple statement yet so profound and difficult to live by. It really isn't about what is going on around us. It is about how we choose to think about what is going on around us. It was such a great reminder for me to quiet my monkey mind, pay attention and most importantly let things be exactly as they are.

                These breathtaking hibiscus blooms from my garden reminded me as well.

I thought the plant was grossly diseased and needed to be yanked (note the leaves).  I would have missed so much beauty.


I just want them to be happy

                                                " I just want them to be happy."

Every parent's ultimate dream is for their children to be happy. The problem is we can't. We can love them to the moon and back. We can provide a loving and nurturing home. We can cart them to every activity their heart desires. We can feed them the most nutritious meals and talk and laugh with them. But make them happy? That we cannot do.

Happiness is an inside job. The only person's happiness we have any control over is our own.

In my 18 years of parenting, this fact has always stumped me. Yet it has helped me to pay closer attention to my own sense of joy. The irony of it all is when I am happy from the inside out and when I am paying close attention to my joy meter my children seem to sense it and are thus more joyful themselves.

So any time I notice one of my children is in a slump, before I jump into the worry, I stop and pay attention to my own inner landscape. It is my joy that ultimately keeps my family on track.


Looking to find more joy in yourself and with your children, I would be honored to help. virginiamccormack05@gmail.com.

A Bittersweet Ache

It happens every year and every year it catches me off guard.  The feeling of excitement touched with grief grabs hold of my heart each and every year on the first day of school. On the first day of school my children age. Today is the day that I see them at the ages they are, not ever on their birthdays. Today I see an 18 year old senior in high school , an almost 16 year old sophomore and an almost 13 year old 8th grader. My heart cracks a little as I see their wings getting stronger and stronger. I pray I have given them enough love to sustain them and keep them strong when the winds of life blow fierce. I want to both set them off and bring them back in.

                   It is the same as I felt on this day. The very first time they all went to school:

                                                             Love doesn't ever age

Farewell Dear Summer

One child started school today and the other two will begin tomorrow. Par usual I am wondering where did the summer go? What did we do all of those days? I can't come up with anything mind blowing. Yet I remember some very special moments.

A sunrise shared with my youngest:
Amusement Rides
The Tallest Sunflower EVER
Dinner and playing on the Beach with my Daughter
Finding the most perfect heart rocks to add to my collection
Yes dear summer you have been wonderful to me and given me moments and gifts to treasure a life time.