The thing I love most about getting older is that I appreciate more and I surround myself with friends that do the same.

I got an email today from a dear friend. My friend was ecstatic about the dandelions sprouting around the garage.

After the dandelion gush,the email read, "Spring is really here!"

A dandelion equals love and joy.

I have watched many a person,myself included , trying to rid their yards of dandelions. Yet a dandelion is a sign of spring. AT LAST!

I replied back that I have perennials popping up through the snow.  I said a prayer to those courageous and full of trust perennials,"Please teach me."

Nature teaches us, nurtures us, and shows us everything we need to learn.

Spring has come!



Let's do spring together in love of dandelions and the courage and faith of the perennials.

Mud Season of the Soul

I can feel spring in the air and in my spirit. The days are warmer. I had to pull off layers during today's run. The snow is melting. I feel a bit lighter.
I see grass on many lawns, mine included.
My daffodils that I dug out of the snow are getting taller.

 No doubt about it, spring is on her way.

Even with spring about to burst, to the human eye, the landscaope looks dull. Mud, puddles,  brown snow and last fall's forgotten clean up litter the landscape.

 It all looks quite ugly.

I feel it in myself. I have lovingly witnessed it in others

Right beside the hope of spring sits a tad bit of  the ugly we would like to ignore.

Yet there it is.

I say embrace it. Love it and play with it in the best way you know how. 

Let's make mud into blesssings.