Feng Shui Friday

I teach courses on Feng Shui and I also incorporate it in my coaching practice and in my own home. It is a wonderful tool in creating a more tranquil and enjoyable life. I am dedicating Friday's blog to all things Feng Shui.

This is the fourth week of the nine week Bagua Map Course. The Bagua map shows where the nine areas of your life(guas) are located in your home. Each week I will give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas in your home. This week I will cover Journey Career.

The Journey Career gua is located in the front center of your home. Do you feel like you are living a purposeful life? Are you longing to fill your soul with passionate work? This is the place to go.

Ways to enhance this area.
*Start with an intention. I say, "God is always leading me in the right direction."
* Clean and declutter to bring energy into the room.
*The color black. It doesn't have to be the entire room. Even a black frame would do.
*Pictures of water.
*A mirror.

My journey career area is my living room. When you walk in you see this, one of my favorite spots in Maine. I took this photo. Art that you create has more Feng Shui energy than any art you could buy.

This saying also hangs in my living room. Not only does it have black in it, but it also is the perfect mantra for my chosen journey.

Have fun. Remember Feng Shui is pronounced FUN shway.. Enjoy making your home a mirror of your wonderful life.

Tuesdays Tips: NOW means JOY

"I decided to enjoy my sandwich and my life changed."

A man I loved told me that with tears brimming.

His newborn was in NICU and it didn't look good. He and his wife at the time were doing NICU shifts. He was exhausted, scared, vulnerable, raw and found NOW in the decision to enjoy a sandwich. The best sandwich he ever ate.( His son is fine BTW)

NOW means JOY.

Joy sometimes happens in crisis.

The most beautiful snow fell on the day my divorce was finalized.

The best wave I ever rode was the day my dad died.

The best laugh I ever had was at my mom's wake.

The most beautiful summer day was when I had zero money.

If JOY can happen when NOW is at it's bleakest, how can joy and now be here in the mundane?

I am working on it and here is what I have found to work,

1. Set an alarm on your phone. ( whatever works for your schedule) When the alarm goes off look around you. Appreciate, Find things you love right there and then. Say Thank you.

2. Breathe right into your belly. Hold it. Breathe out while saying thank you.

3. Move your body as much as you can.   Please dance!

4. Get outside in any weather.

5. Get new sheets at the highest count you can afford. I splurged and got 500 count.  The softness is  glorious. Angels come while you sleep.

For me, at this moment NOW is a child with the flu, another with school issue and me with work issues. Yet NOW is a heart shaped snowmelt.


Monday' Course in Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.

Now it is given me to understand that God is the light in which I see. Let me welcome vision and the happy world it will show me. ACIM

Tuesday's Tips

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week
                                                                  Spanish Proverb

One hour ago I sat down to write this blog on procrastination.
I decided to have a snack first.
Then the dog needed to go out.
Then the  dog needed me to play a few rounds of catch.
Then the laundry needed to be folded.
Then the dishes needed to be put away.
Then I noticed the pile of mail to go out.
Then I thought of chopping some ice.
Then I laughed and came back to my office and just began.

We all procrastinate, oftentimes unconsciously.  Here are a few of my own strategies to keep that pesky procrastination at bay.

1.Recognize it. Be nice to yourself. Start again.
      I am aware that I tend to procrastinate, so I try to recognize it. It takes some detective work. All of those things I did instead of starting this blog were things that had to be done.Procrastination can look like work. It just isn't the work you intended to do.
When I see myself procrastinating, I laugh it off and start again. I don't beat myself up over it.

2. Start small.
       When I went back to my office, I told myself I was going to organize my notes I wrote yesterday in preparation for the blog. I am pretty sure that had I started with the intention of reviewing my notes, the desire to have a snack would never have occurred to me.

3. Set a timer. Reward yourself.
           A few years back, I took a few online graduate courses. I hadn't taken a graduate course in 15 years and I struggled with the APA formatting. That struggle lead to some serious procrastination.   To conquer the procrastination, I set a timer for 30 minutes and gave all of my attention to my coursework. When the timer went off I would reward myself. Then I would go back and do it all over again.

4. Let go of the outcome.
           Most procrastination is about perfectionism. No matter how many articles, blog posts, or courses I have written, the gremlin still invades. The gremlin is that voice in my head proclaiming, "That is horrible writing."
" Everybody will hate it."
 "This really sucks."
 In response to the gremlin, I remind myself that perfection is unattainable and what others think is none of my business.

5. Set a specific schedule.
            I  love to exercise. I just don't like to start. Thus, I made the habit to exercise every morning after my children get on the bus. It is nonegotiable and has made the starting so much easier.

6. Change your scenery.
 I like to go to the public library to get serious writing done. At the library there are no dishes, no laundry and no dog to distract me. Also sometimes a change of scenery means to get outside for fresh air. Of course, you have to come back. Use a timer.

Good luck and here's to making tomorrow the least busiest day of the week.


Mondays Course in Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes studying The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.

For you will be content only in magnitude, which is your home. ACIM

Monday's Course in Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes studying The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.

God 's voice speaks to me all through the day. ACIM


Feng Shui Friday

I teach courses on Feng Shui and I also incorporate it in my coaching practice and in my own home. It is a wonderful tool in creating a more tranquil and enjoyable life. I am dedicating Friday's blog on all things Feng Shui.

This is the second week of the nine week Bagua Map course. The Bagua map shows where the nine areas(guas) of life are positioned in your home. Each week I will give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas in your life in each area of your home. Last week I covered Knowledge and Self Cultivation. This week I will cover Elders.

Elders, which refers to all family, here and  beyond, is located in the middle left side of your home. If you are struggling with family members, have some unresolved issues with those who have passed or even if you aren't feeling like you are on a solid foundation this is the place to clean up and touch up. Family is the foundation of life regardless of age. I believe our ancestors want to offer us support in life.

Some ideas for enhancing the Elders gua:
*Start with an intention. Both of my parents have passed. When I miss them. This is the place I go and my intention is "Mom and Dad are always with me."
* Clean and declutter
* Use green as a color enhancer.
* Decorate with things made of wood.
*Put up favorite pictures of family members.

My Elders Gua is in my kitchen.  I painted it my favorite shade of green . One of my wooden decorations that I love.

I also change the fridge pictures every week. 

Enjoy and remember Feng Shui is pronounced FUN Shway. Have fun making your home a mirror of your wonderful life.



As I have noted previously, each new year I pick a word instead of making any resolutions. I try to use the word as a backdrop to everything  I do, say or think. Note I said TRY. I fall short quite often. Yet, as each year ends I am amazed at how much the word I chose enhanced my life.

This year I chose LOVE. I try to ask, as Robert Holden, suggests, "What would Love do in this situation?" It has been an amazing process, as Love always answers when I stop to ask and listen for the answer from within.

I have also been practicing more self love. As an extremely busy single mother of teenagers, I sometimes leave my needs out of the equation of daily life. It is a funny thing, self love. Our culture limits it to bubble baths and dark chocolate when it is so much more.

So what does self love look like?

Here is something I have learned so far, just three months in.

* Sometimes self love is having tea with a difficult emotion. You know, the one that keeps returning and you don't want to feel. It doesn't feel so loving . Yet when I let it be and actually feel the crappiness of it all,  it starts to dissipate.

*Self Love means hanging out with that feeling a bit longer to ask "What do you want to teach me?"

*Self love means waiting patiently for the answer.

The answer comes and it is always centered around more love.

Mondays Course In Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote.

Ask and it shall be given to you because it already has been given. Ask for light and learn you ARE light. ACIM