Lent A time to recognize love.

These 40 days aren't really about fasting.

These forty days  aren't about giving anything up.

These forty days are about loving yourself.

 If fasting leads you closer to who you want to be. Go for it!

 If giving something up makes you more of yourself. Go for it!

Regardless of your religion, faith in God, or your proclaimed spirituality,

Something great lies within you!

It has nothing to do with religion or your version of God.

It is all about love.

Love lies within each and everyone of us.

Make Lent a time to conect with that Love.

By being quiet.

By appreciating what is right here.

By being kinder to yourself.

For forty days be a loving kindness to YOU!

Loving kindness to you  leads to lovng kindness to everyone you meet.

Let's do this.

Let's Love ourselves even more!


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  1. Your message of wisdom lights up my soul! I am one of your readers who, like you, seeks to recognize love during Lent. Your words shed light on this path. Much gratitude*

  2. Thank you Toire'asa.May the light of love shine on you during Lent.
