Judgement vs. Loving

The other night I overheard another parent talking about me. It was a negative rant. It was dark.Nobody knew I was sitting in a nearby car waiting to pick up my child. Nobody saw the tears rolling down my face.

After the tears came the' back at ya' thoughts.

Then came the praying and the journaling and the knowing.

I am just as guilty. OUCH!

I have made judgments about other parents. I have voiced these judgments to others. What if they heard me?  What if I made some hard working uber loving  mother cry?

That was a hard pill to swallow.

Since that night I have been paying close attention to how I judge myself and others. Interestingly enough I have caught myself saying to myself exactly what that parent said about me! I have also caught myself judging moms, dads and everyone.

Now when I hear the words that the mom in the parking lot spoke about me run through my head, I take a deep breath and say to myself, "You are an awesome mom Virginia."

Now when I catch myself judging anyone in my head, I don't say it out loud. I do what my mom taught me, I send a prayer of love.

Thank you lovely woman who made me cry. You taught me a great lesson.

Don't judge. Love instead.

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