Single Mom Thriving. Family Rituals

When I first got divorced I worried enormously about the emotional toll on my children. More than anything, I wanted us to still feel like a family.  One way I did that was creating rituals.

Some we have out grown.  Some still remain. My favorites just evolved.

*Readjusting after a period with their Dad was often difficult. So I made the coming home a ritual. There would be a family hug, cereal for dinner and a movie. It was something they could absolutely count as it was always the same. It served as an anchor for them.

*We have family dinners each and every night. With varying sports schedules ,often times these meals were in the van at the beach.  Now we vary the family meal to when ever we were all together. It takes planning. However whether breakfast, lunch, snack time or dinner, we aim to gather each and everyday as a family.

*We light candles at dinner time. At the end of the meal we blow them out and make a wish.

*After dinner we all work together to clean up the kitchen, pick up debris from the day and switch the laundry. When they were small once it was all done, we would go outside and play.

*I don't remember consciously planning this ritual, yet it is my favorite. Every time we come in or go out the door, there's a hug and an I love you.

 *My other new favorite that just evolved is our goof Christmas pictures.  2015:

As single moms we really want to give our children the security and love that come from being in a family.  Just because your family doesn't look like the Hallmark version, doesn't mean you are any less of a family. In fact it might just mean you are a stronger family.


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