Take a Time Out And Blessings Will Follow.

When my children were younger I said on more than one occasion, "I am taking a time out. You may only disturb me if there is a lot of blood, threat of death or a fire."

It always worked!

For ten minutes I just breathed all alone in my room.  I came back into the arena of mothering with more patience, more love and a sense of calm.

I am sure those self mandated mommy time outs saved me from going bonkers.

With only one chick in the nest, I no longer have to say those words to a child. I do, however, need to say them to myself.

In this journey called life, stuff happens.

The furnace sounds funny.
The hot water stopped working.
There is a deadline looming.
More work to do  after dinner.
There is so much laundry.
What the heck is for dinner?
That medical intervention cost what?
 FAFSA still isn't done.
Sign up for parent teacher conferences was when?

This list is everyone's list just with different words. Life happens to all of us. When life has me feeling a tad bonkers I say,

"I am taking a time out because nobody is dying and the house isn't in flames."

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty if you can swing it, is all it takes. After a time out I am ready to see solutions.

Furnace sounds funny and hot water stopped working:  Make one phone call . They can figure both out.
Deadline looming:   Just do it!
More work after dinner:  So what!
So much laundry.  So blessed.
What the heck is for dinner? Your fridge and cabinets are filled just wing it.
Medical costs.  Sure is great to have access to great care.
FAFSA still isn't done.Set a time to do it and make sure you have great snacks.
Parent teacher conferences:  Sign up late who cares?

I can see solutions because my time out teaches me this:

My life is not an emergency. My life is a privilege.

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