Friday's Feng Shui: Clutter is Not Bad

The number one tenet of Feng Shui is to eliminate clutter by surrounding yourself with things you treasure.

For most of us clearing clutter is an ongoing chore.

I often feel that I am in a constant cycle of accumulate and purge.

I read Marie Kondo's book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up in hopes to end my cycle of accumulate and purge. I too wanted to banish clutter forever.

Per Kondo's instructions I started with my clothes. Every piece of clothing I owned got piled on my bed.
I held each item of clothing and asked myself if I loved it. I had so many clothes I didn't love. They all went to charity.

Then I went to my books and asked myself the same question. I happily sent books to my loved ones and donated the others.

I was really on a whirl as I followed her advice on getting rid of paper and household stuff.

It helped that I don't really keep excess.

Then came the category of sentimental value.

I halted. I poured myself a glass of wine.

Most of what I own is of sentimental value. I can look around any room of my home and see and touch things I love. Most of it has sentimental value.

However, there are  boxes and boxes filed with pictures. There are shelves and shelves lined with photo albums. Each year I make a picture collage that hangs in the dining room. My laundry room is lined with family pictures.  Each week I change the fridge pictures.

My tidying up stopped there. I went on a journey to figure out why I saved so many pictures.

My research taught me that one saves pictures as a way to remember that they survived.

I did! AMEN.

My heart taught me that it is okay. It is okay to hoard pictures.

There is nothing wrong with me. I simply love pictures.

I love sending them to my kids away at college. I love posting them on my fridge. I love making collages. I love that all of these pictures will become presents to my loved ones.

All clutter is not bad!

Maybe some clutter is good!


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