Single Mom Thriving: The Coaching Process

The number one issue that leads single moms to me is overwhelm.

Overwhelm was a constant companion of mine for many years. How I handled it, and how I teach other single moms to handle overwhelm is a three step process.

1. Shine the light on the shame, fear and unworthiness that, as single moms we often feel.

Stuffing those feelings down only creates more overwhelm. Shining light on them, letting them just be there helps to loosen their grip on you.  We shine light on feelings by talking about them, naming them, drawing them ,even dancing them. They never really go away but when they come up they don't scare us.

2. Shifting your mindset.

When I first got divorced, the label single mom brought up visions of poverty, and feelings of worthlessness.  So I changed my new identity from single mom to CEO of my family. That  one shift made all of the difference. Changing your mind about yourself is the most loving act you could give yourself and your family.

3. Creating an action plan

Once you have a recipe for dealing with the raw emotions and a new way of seeing yourself in the world, you are ready to create a solid action plan of moving ahead with your life. The action plan is of your making but it includes a regimen of excellent self care.

It is such an honor to witness the transformation of my fellow single mom CEO's.


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