Can't Keep Up? Five Surprising Ways to Simplify Your To Do list

Do you ever feel like your to do list is longer than the hours in a day? Have you ever ended a day staring at your to do list wondering why nothing got accomplished?

Me too!

I have found that when I am feeling like a gerbil on a wheel, it is because I thought I was too busy to take care of me.  Surprisingly enough, when I incorporate my magic five into my day, things seem to just get done.

1. Exercise
      It has been proven that successful people exercise each and everyday. No. You do not have to become a marathon runner or create rock solid abs. You do have to make a commitment to move your body each and everyday.

2. You count
      Be kind to yourself.  It doesn't have to be extravagant.  In her book The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron states"If you do one nice thing a day for yourself, God will do two more."

3. Daily Spiritual Practice
     Having a daily spiritual practice connects you to your divine self.  It doesn't have to be a religious affair. It could be as simple as taking a few minutes first thing in the morning being grateful for a new day.   Connecting to our source reminds us that we are never alone.

4. Take breaks
     During the day take time to appreciate what is going on in front of you or even take a few moments to breathe. Set an alarm on your phone and when it goes off  just close your eyes and breathe.

5.One thing.
   What ever it is you are doing stay there and do it; Bring all of you to the task at hand. Whether you  are washing dishes or meeting with a client, be totally present.

This list of five adds you to your day. You are so much more important than the tasks you need to complete.  We live in an abundant universe and there is plenty of time to get everything done but we have to bring our beautiful selves to the process.

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