Planting Seeds

On a beautiful 60 degree Sunday in March. I decided to garden. The soil was workable. So I added  compost and planted lettuce, arugula, spinach, onions and snap peas.

I planted seeds in March, in Maine.

I felt like a rock star. I felt like a miracle had occurred.


We got not one, not two, but three more snowfalls and temperatures dropped to below freezing

At the first snowfall I thought, "I should have known better than to plant so early. Maybe they will survive."

At the second snowfall I thought "Oh how stupid!  Planting all of those veggies in March. You live in Maine."

By the third snowfall I just laughed and remembered how much fun I had on that warm late March day.

Planting seeds is never a mistake. Sometimes we are in such a hurry for results we plant seeds when the time isn't right. The seeds are just reflections of what we want to grow in our lives.

Mistakes happen. We try new things and sometimes they don't work out. I had no idea we were going to have  three early spring snowfalls. I could have speculated, but I was right there in the moment doing what I love to do.

Being in the moment takes courage and living from your heart often involves setbacks. But that doesn't mean we should give up. I am certainly not going to give up gardening just because of that one mistake.

I replanted my early vegetable seeds just the other day.

Just as I replanted seeds in my heart in my morning meditation.

I trust both the garden in my heart and the garden in my yard will bloom.

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