I Am An Introvert Who Loves People.

I am an introvert who loves people. What a crazy statement.

It is true. I am an introvert . I love people 

I love hearing stories. Our  stories are so fascinating.

I love my work as a life coach. I am wonderful at listening ,and sharing love. (I love my job!!)

Yet people exhaust me.

Loud ,busy crowded spaces make me nauseous and dizzy.

I spent my entire Saturday at my son's wrestling meet.

I felt dizzy and light headed when first entering.

I know I am not the only introvert who sometimes needs to be in a crowded room.

So Here is what helps

1. Create a centering mantra.

2. Bring a book.

3. Connect with one person.

4. Have an exit.

5. Find things to appreciate.

6. Make up stories about people.

7. Help.

8. Move any part of your body.

9. Write.

10. Play on your phone. (This is my least favorite. Yet I have done it to to distract me from the chaos.)

Be grateful you are an introvert. The world needs more of us!


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