The alternative facts about a single mom have always astounded me. This is a short list of some of the real truths about us single moms. It is a list based on my own experience as well as the hundreds of single moms I have coached, friended and adored.
1. We are not taking advantage of the 'system'. If a fair system actually existed, all single mothers would receive fair and timely child support.
2. Those of us who received (or are receiving) government assistance are ashamed. We are mothers who swallowed great pride to care for our children.
3. Many of us were turned down from government assistance, food pantries and church donations. Oh dear God, the stories I have heard on the why to this one would make your spine shiver. It could be an entire blog post. Suffice to say, even the so called 'do gooders' have judgements about single moms.
4. Being turned down was okay. We single moms know how to build a tribe. Safety nets are built of friends who love us. They love us because single moms love fiercely.
5. We are not lazy! I invite you to take a group of children (or even just one) 24/7 while they all have the flu. Just as they are recovering you get it. Then talk to me about lazy.
6. Married moms, I have yet to meet a great single mom who is interested in sleeping with someone else's husband. Look back at #5. We are tired!! Stop worrying.
7. Married moms ,we do ,however, so appreciate when your husband shows up to help. The last snow storm, my client's neighbor (married guy) snow blowed her driveway. My single mom client was doing #5. Two kids puking every hour . #4, Amen
8. Kids raised by single moms do not live a life of doom. Most are very normal. Most are very loved!
9. Kids being raised by single moms get on the honor roll, get in the school play, get to excell at sports, get scholarships, get into great colleges just like everyone else. Let's stop thinking a kid raised by a single mom is destined to anything less than great.
10. Kids being raised by single moms....One became the best President this nation has ever seeen. Thank you President Obama for showing us single moms that our kids can be as great as you!
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