I decided I wanted to be stronger. So I added some more to my weight training and put some more umph in to my runs.
I was feeling good. I was on track.
One day while doing burpees my shoulder gave out.
I injured this shoulder years back raking the roof. It was a painful injury that took months to heal.
I freaked out. I thought of every worst scenario possible. I told myself I was too old to get stronger. I told myself I had another six month healing time. I told myself I should not have even bothered.
I told myself what we all tell ourselves when a goal gets siderailed: I told myself it was time to quit.
Then I laughed at myself.
I got the ice and the advil.
I babied myself a bit. I iced my shoulder with an episode of Gilmore Girls.
Then I rewired my brain.
This is just a twist in the road. I can still achieve my goal.
I found other ways to meet my goal of being stronger. I kept running. I worked my lower body. I started some balancing exercises.
Reaching a goal is never linear. Curve balls happen.
When the curve ball comes..
1. Let's laugh at our crazy thoughts. Especially the one that says quit
2. Let's simply do the most logical next step.
3. Let's love ourselves.
4. Let's change our minds.
5. Let's find more creative ways to move towards our goal.
Happy to say my shoulder is fine. I am however doing a lighter version of a burpee.
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