Five Thoughts On The power of November!

I love being awake just before the day begins.
I love Mondays.
I love my Birthday. New Year's Day. And the first day of every month.
I love anything that serves as a reminder to begin anew.

Today is the first day of November. Most of the trees have let go of their precious leaves. My perennials are past bloom and barring one annual that sits close to my house and my hardy mums, nothing is blooming. Nothing looks breathtaking anymore.

Even so the trees and the perennials are heading  into their hardest work of  the year.  They look ugly as they build roots and draw deeper into the earth for next year's growth.

In my years as a human, a counselor and a life coach I have found November to be a change month. November is when the days go dark leading us to go within and begging us to make significant changes in our lives. . Changes that start internally tend to stick.

Here are some thoughts as we embark on our new day,  new month and  new season of growing.

1. Stop waiting for the right time.
    The right time is now. Waiting to begin anything "Until I   ( fill in the blank)" leaves us paralyzed.

Stop the research . Stop the lists. Stop the what ifs . Stop the maybe whens.  Right now is the  perfect time to begin anything.

2. Commit to action.
    Commit to do something each and every day in the direction of our goal.  When we commit to something it becomes like brushing our teeth. We simply do it.

I move my body everyday. (moving my body sounds so much more fun than EXERCISE) I don't have to ever ask myself if I am going to move.  Rather, the question is, " How am I going to move today?"

2. Progress is never linear. Don't use it as a reason to quit.
     There will be curves, road blocks and rollercoaster like drops. That is life.  We could use these derailments as a reason to quit.  I once did. Then I realized how far I had come. So I began again. Back to number one.

3. Tiny steps matter the most.

   Restarting is often harder than beginning. Do a tiny step. Sometimes we cannot accomplish what we planned. That doesn't mean we cannot do something.

  Fifteen  years ago I commited to writing three pages each and every day. Thank you Julia Cameron. That commitment changed my life for the better. Most days I write  three pages. Some days I don't. But every single day I grab my notebook and my pen just so I don't lose the habit.

4. Let go of right and wrong.

   Polar opposites don't exist. We are never right or wrong. We are simply creating results. If we don't like the results we just tweak our thoughts and actions. Guilt will not help us in anything!

5.Love yourself

Saved the best for last!  Loving myself is the number one in everything I do.  I am far beyond perfect. Yet in loving myself  life gets sweeter. When I love me I get stuff done. When I love me  I don't care what others think. When I love me I can love you better.



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