Feng Shui Friday: Loving Life is How you Look At it.

In my home, the Christmas tree means rearranging the entire house. My living room becomes the Christmas tree room. My office becomes the living room.  The back corner of my dining room becomes my office.

I welcome these changes in late November. I slow way down. I envelop the darkness and the coming of light.

I love my Christmas tree. I leave it up until it stops taking water. It is still up. I love it until..

 I know it is time.

I know it is time because the not so clean house I embraced back in December starts to bug the sh** out of me. 

I want the house back in order NOW! I want my office back NOW! I don't just want clean counters. I want the entire house to be in order NOW!

As you know I have been doing a 2017 clear out. I am also taking a course through Daily Om titled A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back.

Here is what I am learning through my clear out and the course:

To embrace the slow down that so naturally came when I put my Christmas tree up.  
Life isn't a marathon. I can do slow and still get things done. One college kid is tucked back in college. One is still home for a few more days. I am allowed to enjoy him. 

To see excess stuff in a positive note and not as a way to beat myself up.
Having six pairs of snowpants that fit nobody in my family means someone else has snowpants for their kids this snow season. It doesn't mean I failed in anyway.

To Know and understand we are never done!
 We don't clean a house and never do it again . We don't have a dream fullfilled and never dream again. Life keeps giving to us. I have so many more dreams that go beyond the clearing out and the empty nest.

To see the mess as a blessing.
It is all a blessing. Dishes in the sink mean we had food to eat. Laundry means we have clothes to wear. Backpacks mean my children got an education. Laptops mean we have wifi. Boots by the door mean we have footwear. Jackets on chairs mean we get to be warm. A Christmas tree still up means I enjoy the light a bit longer.

Loving life is  how you look at it.


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1 comment:

  1. It is good to see the feng shui inside the home to have positive energy and make my house attractive, in Christmas.I knew the Christmas tree brings the positive waves inside the house.I really like to place it.Visit on fengshuitoday to know the tricks to use Feng Shui Design architect in your building projects.
