Feng Shui is a fun way to to make your home mirror your life. Yet, when it comes to getting rid of everything that we don't love, don't use , or is broken, the excitement wanes.
Tackling clutter is a never ending chore. Clutter can multiply quicker than rabbits and too much can lead to stress.
Like all worthwhile pursuits, you only need to take it a step at a time.
Here are some of my favorite clutter busters:
1. Grab a trash bag and go through your house and toss out 27 items.
2.Determine which pieces of mail go in the recycling bin when you bring the mail in.
3.Tidy up at the end of each day.
4. Clean the kitchen after every meal.
5. Make sure everyday items like keys, backpacks, briefcases have a home.
6. Don't put it down. Put it away.
7. Pretend there is a river of energy running through your home. Where does the river get stuck? Tackle that area first
8.Eachday spend 15 to 25 minutes(much more and you will get overwhelmed) in the area from #7 and get rid of stuff.
9. Only keep what you absolutely love.
10. Keep a maybe box. Items that neither scream love or trash go here.
11. Set a date on your calendar a month from now to go through the maybe box again.
12. Clean off your desk at the end of everyday.
13. If it is broken, when will you fix it? Mark it on your calendar.
14. Same with unfinished craft projects. Set a date to finish them.
15.All of your clothes are supposed to make you feel absoutely gorgeous and be totally comfortable. Everything else goes out.
16. Buy less.
17. Buy only what you absolutely need.
18. Clutter invites more clutter. Keep counters clear.
19. Limit thrift shops and garage sales.
20. Recognize that what you have already is enough. You are enough.
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