These are seven of my favorite sentences.
"I never looked at it like that."
Reframing is the cornerstone of my work. It is easy to get mired up in our own story of the way things are. Often just a small tilt of perception opens up new solutions that you didn't know existed. It is always how you look at it.
"I caught myself in the middle of trash talk and was able to turn it around it seconds."
Trash talk is the gremlin ego that wants so badly to convince you that you are flawed. We all have it. The trick is to notice it when it is happening and to turn it around. This is a skill that needs constant practice. It is also one of the frist lessons I teach clients.
"My home feels so nurturing that I love coming home"
My coaching practice includes utilizing Feng Shui fundamentals. I believe your home mirrors your life and I help clients create a home that is inviting and nurturing.
"I really don't have to be perfect."
Amen! Perfection blocks success. Nobody is perfect at anything. Good enough is good enough!
"By putting myself first, I am taking better care of my children."
We all know the airplane theory: Your mask goes on before your child's. Living it is another story, because there is so much to do as a mom. However committing to even one small act of self care each and every day makes a huge difference.
"My mind isn't so foggy now that I got rid of the clutter in my closet."
Holding on to stuff we no longer need or want truly has a negative effect on our lies. Clearing out has immediate positive results.
"I actually believe in myself."
I believed in you the moment we met.
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