My daily spiritual practice includes reading the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I post a quote from the text.
Creations gentleness is all I see. ACIM
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes reading A Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
A happy outcome to all things is sure. ACIM
Monday's Course in Miracles
Only Love is sure. ACIM
I should not have to wash these dishes.
I have to wash dishes AGAIN!
I have more important things to do!
Not having a dishwasher sucks!
My life revolves around dishes in the sink.
I should not have to wash these dishes!
I spent a good 20,okay maybe 30 minutes fighting with the dishes in the sink.
Who does that?
Who does that is someone who is arguing with what is. As my favorite teacher , Byron Katie says in a million beautiful ways,
"Arguing with what is creates pain".
"Arguing with what is creates pain".
So I made washing the dishes fun.
I played music and danced.
With each dish I washed I sent a prayer for a loved one. I sent a prayer to a friend. I sent a prayer to a soul in need that I may not even know,
How could I ever have thought there was anything more important to do than washing the dishes?
I have a great community in my email community. Please join us by signing up inthe top right corner.
I have a great community in my email community. Please join us by signing up inthe top right corner.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
This instant is the only time there is. ACIM
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying A Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text .
I am surrounded by the love of God. ACIM
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying A Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Father,today I leave creation free to be itself.
Friday's Feng Shui
I teach courses on Feng Shui and I also incorporate it in my coaching practice and in my own life. It is a wonderful tool in creating a more tranquil life.
This is the eighth of the nine lesson Bagua Map Course. The bagua map shows you where the nine areas of our life(guas) are located within your home. Each lesson I give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas. This lesson explores the Creativity/Children gua, which is located in the right center of your home.
Creativity/ Children gua is all about being playful in your life. It is an area that supports your children, pets and even your inner child. Being creative is as important to the soul as breathing is to the body. If your life is feeling short on playtime this is a great room to enhance.
Here are some hints:
*Always start with an intention. Just the other day as I was cleaning this room I said,"My life keeps getting more fun as I age."
*Clean and declutter this area.
*Use cheerful colors.
*Pictures of your children and/or pictures of yourself when you were you were a child.
*Fun and whimsical symbols
*Some white and some metal.
This is a busy room in my home. Laundry/bathroom/coat closets/ craft closet and sports equipment storage all happen in here.
I just love all of the colors (As well as the fact that I used up three almost empty paint cans)
I am a picture hoarder. Showcasing photos is one of my favorite activities.
This is the eighth of the nine lesson Bagua Map Course. The bagua map shows you where the nine areas of our life(guas) are located within your home. Each lesson I give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas. This lesson explores the Creativity/Children gua, which is located in the right center of your home.
Creativity/ Children gua is all about being playful in your life. It is an area that supports your children, pets and even your inner child. Being creative is as important to the soul as breathing is to the body. If your life is feeling short on playtime this is a great room to enhance.
Here are some hints:
*Always start with an intention. Just the other day as I was cleaning this room I said,"My life keeps getting more fun as I age."
*Clean and declutter this area.
*Use cheerful colors.
*Pictures of your children and/or pictures of yourself when you were you were a child.
*Fun and whimsical symbols
*Some white and some metal.
This is a busy room in my home. Laundry/bathroom/coat closets/ craft closet and sports equipment storage all happen in here.
I just love all of the colors (As well as the fact that I used up three almost empty paint cans)
I am a picture hoarder. Showcasing photos is one of my favorite activities.
Mondays Course In Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Love which created me is what I am. ACIM
Can't Keep Up? Five Surprising Ways to Simplify Your To Do list
Do you ever feel like your to do list is longer than the hours in a day? Have you ever ended a day staring at your to do list wondering why nothing got accomplished?
Me too!
I have found that when I am feeling like a gerbil on a wheel, it is because I thought I was too busy to take care of me. Surprisingly enough, when I incorporate my magic five into my day, things seem to just get done.
1. Exercise
It has been proven that successful people exercise each and everyday. No. You do not have to become a marathon runner or create rock solid abs. You do have to make a commitment to move your body each and everyday.
2. You count
Be kind to yourself. It doesn't have to be extravagant. In her book The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron states"If you do one nice thing a day for yourself, God will do two more."
3. Daily Spiritual Practice
Having a daily spiritual practice connects you to your divine self. It doesn't have to be a religious affair. It could be as simple as taking a few minutes first thing in the morning being grateful for a new day. Connecting to our source reminds us that we are never alone.
4. Take breaks
During the day take time to appreciate what is going on in front of you or even take a few moments to breathe. Set an alarm on your phone and when it goes off just close your eyes and breathe.
5.One thing.
What ever it is you are doing stay there and do it; Bring all of you to the task at hand. Whether you are washing dishes or meeting with a client, be totally present.
This list of five adds you to your day. You are so much more important than the tasks you need to complete. We live in an abundant universe and there is plenty of time to get everything done but we have to bring our beautiful selves to the process.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying A Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Every loving thought is true.
Everything else is an appeal for healing and help,
Regardless of the form it takes.
Every loving thought is true.
Everything else is an appeal for healing and help,
Regardless of the form it takes.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Child of God, you were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. Do not forget this. ACIM
Child of God, you were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. Do not forget this. ACIM
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, and represents the value that you put upon yourself . ACIM
Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, and represents the value that you put upon yourself . ACIM
Monday's Course In Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
I feel the Love of God within me now. ACIM
I feel the Love of God within me now. ACIM
Friday's Feng Shui
I teach courses on Feng Shui and I also incorporate it in my coaching practice and in my own life. It is a wonderful tool in creating a more tranquil life.
This is the seventh of the nine lesson Bagua Map Course. The bagua map shows where the nine areas of your life (guas) are located in your home. Each lesson I give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas. This week I will cover Helpful People Heaven.
The Helpful People and Heaven area refers to the help we receive in times of need. Angels sent straight from heaven always surround us and show up every time we ask. Enhance this area when you are feeling overly independent.
* Always start with an intention. I say,"Help always shows up at the right time,"
* Clean and declutter this area.
*Pictures of loved ones who are in heaven.
* Spiritual symbols
* The color silver or gray.
The Helpful People area of my home is my office. This is one of my favorite rooms in my home. I love how the Helpful gua is where I help others.
Fresh flowers on a silver tray and a pair of rosary beads:
This is the seventh of the nine lesson Bagua Map Course. The bagua map shows where the nine areas of your life (guas) are located in your home. Each lesson I give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas. This week I will cover Helpful People Heaven.
The Helpful People and Heaven area refers to the help we receive in times of need. Angels sent straight from heaven always surround us and show up every time we ask. Enhance this area when you are feeling overly independent.
* Always start with an intention. I say,"Help always shows up at the right time,"
* Clean and declutter this area.
*Pictures of loved ones who are in heaven.
* Spiritual symbols
* The color silver or gray.
The Helpful People area of my home is my office. This is one of my favorite rooms in my home. I love how the Helpful gua is where I help others.
Fresh flowers on a silver tray and a pair of rosary beads:
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying A Course In Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
You have so little faith in yourself because you are unwilling to accept that perfect love is in you.
You have so little faith in yourself because you are unwilling to accept that perfect love is in you.
A Quick Way To Not Give Up When What you Planned Looks Nothing LikeWhat Is
This is the time of year when I realize that my gardens look nothing like I planned. The continuous color I had envisioned simply didn't happen and one perennial bed looks like an unmowed section of my front lawn. Growing trees and a few windy rain storms wreaked havoc on a few of my favorite blooms. The cucumbers and the tomatoes are lagging and some critter invited friends over for a lettuce picnic.
Some version of this story happens every year and every year I have this urge to just give up. Here is how I recover when what I planned looks nothing like what is.
Trash the vision
I am all for vision boards and imagining an amazing future for ourselves. Planning and imagining my garden helped me survive this past winter. I have a dream and I know just what its fruition feels like. However, when we attach ourselves to the dream we forget the most important part of our lives.
Here and Now
I remember being a newly single mother with three children under six. The future looked so frightening and the past hurt beyond measure. One day,clear out of the blue, I started saying "Here and Now" repeatedly. The thing about 'here and now' is that the future and the past go away. The fear goes the vision goes and life gets to be just as it is. Then the magic happens.
With the vision gone and your only reality is here and now gratitude just spills everywhere,
Tomatoes and cukes are not doing so great. However, I tried something new this year and planted broccoli. WOWZAS
One garden may be just green but this one is bursting with color.
Some version of this story happens every year and every year I have this urge to just give up. Here is how I recover when what I planned looks nothing like what is.
Trash the vision
I am all for vision boards and imagining an amazing future for ourselves. Planning and imagining my garden helped me survive this past winter. I have a dream and I know just what its fruition feels like. However, when we attach ourselves to the dream we forget the most important part of our lives.
Here and Now
I remember being a newly single mother with three children under six. The future looked so frightening and the past hurt beyond measure. One day,clear out of the blue, I started saying "Here and Now" repeatedly. The thing about 'here and now' is that the future and the past go away. The fear goes the vision goes and life gets to be just as it is. Then the magic happens.
With the vision gone and your only reality is here and now gratitude just spills everywhere,
Tomatoes and cukes are not doing so great. However, I tried something new this year and planted broccoli. WOWZAS
One garden may be just green but this one is bursting with color.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
The Christ in you is very still.He knows where you are going and He leads you there in gentleness and blessing all the way. ACIM
The Christ in you is very still.He knows where you are going and He leads you there in gentleness and blessing all the way. ACIM
Mondays Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Today I will accept God's peace and joy, in glad exchange for all the substitutes that I have made for happiness and peace. ACIM
Today I will accept God's peace and joy, in glad exchange for all the substitutes that I have made for happiness and peace. ACIM
The Secret to Trying Something New
I love to garden and I have had years of success in creating beautiful perennial beds.
However, when it comes to growing food, my success has been marginal. This year, I decided to try square foot gardening. I did copious research when the snow was still flying and in my mind I created the perfect square foot garden.
I had all of the materials to build my three boxes in early May.
Yet I didn't begin to build them until early June.
I had all of my seeds in April.
Yet I just finished planting last week.
I knew part of my experiment was to grow my tomatoes vertically.
Yet I just now finished putting up the fencing.
So what was with all of that procrastination?
Plain and simple, I got too attached to my vision of the perfect square foot garden.
When we get too attached to an outcome, inspired action is thwarted. When we let go of the outcome, fun happens.
Here's how I let go of my perfect square foot garden outcome.
* Kind, loving self talk. "You can do this Gin." or "You're doing a great job"
* Bringing attention to success. My snap peas are looking glorious and I haven't had to buy any greens since May. (I did my lettuce, arugula, spinach and snap peas in a traditional row.
* Enjoying the process. Mixing compost, peat moss and vermiculite with my hands was more fun than play doh! Building the boxes myself made me feel strong. Cutting up old sheets and using them to tie the tomato branches to the fence made me laugh at myself.
*Let it be and trust. I will nurture my garden, but like anything else, the rest is up to God.
However, when it comes to growing food, my success has been marginal. This year, I decided to try square foot gardening. I did copious research when the snow was still flying and in my mind I created the perfect square foot garden.
I had all of the materials to build my three boxes in early May.
Yet I didn't begin to build them until early June.
I had all of my seeds in April.
Yet I just finished planting last week.
I knew part of my experiment was to grow my tomatoes vertically.
Yet I just now finished putting up the fencing.
So what was with all of that procrastination?
Plain and simple, I got too attached to my vision of the perfect square foot garden.
When we get too attached to an outcome, inspired action is thwarted. When we let go of the outcome, fun happens.
Here's how I let go of my perfect square foot garden outcome.
* Kind, loving self talk. "You can do this Gin." or "You're doing a great job"
* Bringing attention to success. My snap peas are looking glorious and I haven't had to buy any greens since May. (I did my lettuce, arugula, spinach and snap peas in a traditional row.
* Enjoying the process. Mixing compost, peat moss and vermiculite with my hands was more fun than play doh! Building the boxes myself made me feel strong. Cutting up old sheets and using them to tie the tomato branches to the fence made me laugh at myself.
*Let it be and trust. I will nurture my garden, but like anything else, the rest is up to God.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
You are not frail with God beside you. ACIM
You are not frail with God beside you. ACIM
Friday's Feng Shui
I teach courses on Feng Shui and I also incorporate it in my coaching practice and in my own life. It is a wonderful tool in creating a more tranquil and enjoyable life. I am dedicating Friday's blog to all things Feng Shui.
This is the sixth of the nine lesson Bagua Map Course. The bagua map shows where the nine ares of your life(guas) are located in your home. Each lesson I give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas. This week I will cover Fame and Reputation.
The Fame and Reputation area is the rear middle section of your home. This gua has to do with your authenticity and your integrity. How are you portraying yourself to the world? Does that portrayal reflect your true nature?
Ways to enhance this area;
* Always start with an intention. I am in the process of redoing this area of my home. As I work on it I say, "I am ready to show the world who I am."
* Clean and declutter.
*Symbols or a display of your accomplishments.
*Symbols of your goals and aspirations.
*The color red.
My Fame and reputation area juts out the back of my home as a screened porch and a deck. My life is changing and intuitively I knew this area needed to change as well. Right now it is totally empty except for a few of these beauties.
This is the sixth of the nine lesson Bagua Map Course. The bagua map shows where the nine ares of your life(guas) are located in your home. Each lesson I give you tips on how to enhance one of the guas. This week I will cover Fame and Reputation.
The Fame and Reputation area is the rear middle section of your home. This gua has to do with your authenticity and your integrity. How are you portraying yourself to the world? Does that portrayal reflect your true nature?
Ways to enhance this area;
* Always start with an intention. I am in the process of redoing this area of my home. As I work on it I say, "I am ready to show the world who I am."
* Clean and declutter.
*Symbols or a display of your accomplishments.
*Symbols of your goals and aspirations.
*The color red.
My Fame and reputation area juts out the back of my home as a screened porch and a deck. My life is changing and intuitively I knew this area needed to change as well. Right now it is totally empty except for a few of these beauties.
Tuesday's Tips: Waiting
When driving and there is no traffic light, I always go right, even if I have to go left.
I have put many a necessary item back on the shelf because the check out lines were too long.
Young children should never hear me when a coach runs practice late and I am sitting in my van. (Cuss words galore!)
When the 'tires crunching' in the driveway doesn't happen at the agreed upon time, I become an absolute mess, convinced the worst has happened.
I am not good at waiting.
Recently, I waited ten days for an outcome.
I am not good at waiting.
It wasn't pretty.
I tried to escape:
*I ate a lot of comfort food and indulged in my 'every now and then' favorites. Cheetos and corn chips out of the bag anyone?
*I drank quite a few glasses of wine to ease up the angst.
*I cleaned like a crazy woman.
*I ran hard. I danced even harder. I worked ferociously in the garden.
Thoughts of wisdom came:
"How can this one thing determine good/bad ,sick/healthy?"
"Right now I feel great. That is all that matters."
"This future thing will not take away the joy I feel now."
"I am letting my thoughts of the unknown rule me. I could let what is happening NOW rule me."
My thoughts of wisdom saved me as did the sweat and the snacks and the wine.
I did my sweet happy dance celebration when I received the news and I am one blessed woman.
Yet, waiting.
How does one learn to wait?
A few of my newly learned gems
*Appreciate everything right now!
Right now for me: My jammies are so soft. My teen boys are building legos upstairs.My girl is happy at her summer program. Thank you God.
*Wait at every stop light, every long line and every left turn. Wait and recite the day's Course of Miracles quote.
*Wait and find ten things you appreciate.
* Wait and find a happy memory as a kid.
*Wait and know the best is yet to come.
*Wait and know; Right hand turns are the best course of action in the summer in a tourist town.
*Wait and know this too will bloom with an abundance of food.
I have put many a necessary item back on the shelf because the check out lines were too long.
Young children should never hear me when a coach runs practice late and I am sitting in my van. (Cuss words galore!)
When the 'tires crunching' in the driveway doesn't happen at the agreed upon time, I become an absolute mess, convinced the worst has happened.
I am not good at waiting.
Recently, I waited ten days for an outcome.
I am not good at waiting.
It wasn't pretty.
I tried to escape:
*I ate a lot of comfort food and indulged in my 'every now and then' favorites. Cheetos and corn chips out of the bag anyone?
*I drank quite a few glasses of wine to ease up the angst.
*I cleaned like a crazy woman.
*I ran hard. I danced even harder. I worked ferociously in the garden.
Thoughts of wisdom came:
"How can this one thing determine good/bad ,sick/healthy?"
"Right now I feel great. That is all that matters."
"This future thing will not take away the joy I feel now."
"I am letting my thoughts of the unknown rule me. I could let what is happening NOW rule me."
My thoughts of wisdom saved me as did the sweat and the snacks and the wine.
I did my sweet happy dance celebration when I received the news and I am one blessed woman.
Yet, waiting.
How does one learn to wait?
A few of my newly learned gems
*Appreciate everything right now!
Right now for me: My jammies are so soft. My teen boys are building legos upstairs.My girl is happy at her summer program. Thank you God.
*Wait at every stop light, every long line and every left turn. Wait and recite the day's Course of Miracles quote.
*Wait and find ten things you appreciate.
* Wait and find a happy memory as a kid.
*Wait and know the best is yet to come.
*Wait and know; Right hand turns are the best course of action in the summer in a tourist town.
*Wait and know this too will bloom with an abundance of food.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
I do not believe that there is an order of difficulty in miracles; you do. ACIM
I do not believe that there is an order of difficulty in miracles; you do. ACIM
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes reading The Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text.
Today's quote just may be the best ever! Thus the picture is the simplest. Truth is simple. AMEN.
Whenever you question your value say, "God Himself is incomplete without me." ACIM
Today's quote just may be the best ever! Thus the picture is the simplest. Truth is simple. AMEN.
Whenever you question your value say, "God Himself is incomplete without me." ACIM
Tuesday's Tips: ICDIA
Years back I invented a new word , ICDIA. It is pronounced ICK! DEE! AH!. All three syllables are spoken as three different words with the energy of a swear word.
I use it as sparingly as I use any swear word, and I love it.
ICDIA is an acronym for I Cannot Do It All.
I have this notion in my head that I can do it all and that I have to do it all and if I don't do it all everything will fall apart.
ICDIA is a 911 call to myself thus I act accordingly
1. Stop everything. Take three deep breaths.
I use it as sparingly as I use any swear word, and I love it.
ICDIA is an acronym for I Cannot Do It All.
I have this notion in my head that I can do it all and that I have to do it all and if I don't do it all everything will fall apart.
ICDIA is a 911 call to myself thus I act accordingly
1. Stop everything. Take three deep breaths.
2. Pray. Any prayer will do. I try to say my Course of Miracles quote of the day but a "God help" is sometimes all I can muster.
3. I make sure the kitchen counters are clear and my bedroom is immaculate.
4. To do list is tossed.
5. I make sure I do five acts of kindness to myself .
6 I make sure I do five acts of kindness to others.
Then I am brought back to the knowing. I cannot do it all .
Today I am thinking perhaps I should swear more.
ICDIA is a recipe for a wonderful day.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share the lesson of the day or a quote from the text.
Let miracles replace all grievances. ACIM
Let miracles replace all grievances. ACIM
Single Mom Thriving
I was talking to a friend the other day and she complimented me on raising my three children as a single mom. This friend has carried me through many dark times as I navigated single motherhood and has been one of my best cheerleaders. Her compliment meant the world to me and we started reminiscing of days gone by.
Our conversation got me thinking of who I was when this journey of single mother hood began. I remember the nightmares with the same theme; I am trying to get all three of my children to safety all by myself and am not succeeding. Those nightmares made falling back to sleep impossible. I remember the 'punch in the gut' feeling every time some single motherhood statistic came my way. I remember the constant fear and the fetal position cry I did after I put them to bed. All of that remembering made me want to go back to that Virginia and hug her, reassure her and tell her these five things.
1. Life loves you. This too shall pass. The joyful days ahead will astound you!
1, YES! Your intuitive decision to stay present for your children is spot on. Stop second guessing it. Stay at home /work from home moms do not need a marriage license.
2. YES! playing outside with your children is the best way to spend your time. Neighbors will think you are crazy, yet the memories will create many dinner table laughs years from now.
3. A mustard seed of faith is truly all you need. Help will show up in a million ways. You will be the recipient of Christmas presents for your children, more groceries than you can imagine, tanks of oil, help with your flooded basement, and many rides for your children.. just to name a few.
4. It won't be easy. There will be storms. However, your children are going to be just fine. Actually they will be better than fine. They will soar and your heart will burst with pride when you witness their dreams coming true.
5. Yes right now you are scared and feeling alone. Just beneath that smile are buckets of tears. However, one day you will look back. You will wonder how you did it and you will realize you were never ever alone. God always had and still has your back.
Our conversation got me thinking of who I was when this journey of single mother hood began. I remember the nightmares with the same theme; I am trying to get all three of my children to safety all by myself and am not succeeding. Those nightmares made falling back to sleep impossible. I remember the 'punch in the gut' feeling every time some single motherhood statistic came my way. I remember the constant fear and the fetal position cry I did after I put them to bed. All of that remembering made me want to go back to that Virginia and hug her, reassure her and tell her these five things.
1. Life loves you. This too shall pass. The joyful days ahead will astound you!
1, YES! Your intuitive decision to stay present for your children is spot on. Stop second guessing it. Stay at home /work from home moms do not need a marriage license.
2. YES! playing outside with your children is the best way to spend your time. Neighbors will think you are crazy, yet the memories will create many dinner table laughs years from now.
3. A mustard seed of faith is truly all you need. Help will show up in a million ways. You will be the recipient of Christmas presents for your children, more groceries than you can imagine, tanks of oil, help with your flooded basement, and many rides for your children.. just to name a few.
4. It won't be easy. There will be storms. However, your children are going to be just fine. Actually they will be better than fine. They will soar and your heart will burst with pride when you witness their dreams coming true.
5. Yes right now you are scared and feeling alone. Just beneath that smile are buckets of tears. However, one day you will look back. You will wonder how you did it and you will realize you were never ever alone. God always had and still has your back.
Perfect Timing
When the first greens started popping in my perennial garden, I frantically searched for the pointy heads of my lillies of the valley. I had planted them in honor of my mom as they were her favorite. Everyday I looked for their little buds and everyday I was disappointed. I thought for sure my over zealous black eyed susans had choked them out. So I stopped looking and focused on the many emerging perennials.
Today I came across these.
Today I came across these.
Monday's Course in Miracles
My happiness and my function are one. ACIM
Empty Spaces
Ten years back, just a few years in to single parenting, I decided to make a fresh start. On a wing and a prayer, I moved from New Hampshire to Maine. One of the reasons I bought this home was the amazingly kid friendly back yard. I knew the gigantic swing set, the play hut and the acre of woods would be the perfect place for my children to play, explore, create and grow.
Time passes. Those cuties are now bigger than me. The hours of back yard games and watching kids play in the woods and swings and in the back yard hut have somehow passed. The many dinners in the car between games and practices and the ping ponging from field to field have passed as well. Those were crazy and exhausting days. I made many sacrifices to be present for my children and I wouldn't change any of it.
As those years passed ,the swing set deteriorated and the back yard hut became a sagging collector of crap. So those 'bigger than me' cuties and I embarked on a demolition project. The swing set, the hut and years of collected stuff now lie in here.
The emptying has created a vacant spot. A vacancy similar to the one I feel in myself , as single mothering has become more vague. My day to day life is no longer overflowing with single mom responsibilities. I feel both a sadness and an excitement. That dumpster symbolizes the new space I am creating for myself. As each of my children take steps into their futures, away from me, I get to take a journey filling the new spaces in my life.
Spring Miracles
My beloved lilac bush that sits adjacent to my home got pummeled this past winter. More than six feet of snow landed on it. Plus the snow that needed to be shoveled off of the roof fell on it. Many branches snapped and the ones that remained intact arched to the ground with icicles dangling. I was so overwhelmed with the shoveling, the roof raking, and the endless ice dams I pretty much gave up on the lilac bush's survival.
Evidently once again I underestimated the power of solid roots and the miracles of spring. My lilac bush has never looked more beautiful or smelled more lovely in the years I have been here.
That lilac bush is the perfect metaphor of life. We have all lived through snapped branches, and the piling and piling of life on top of us. People have given up on us and we may have given up on ourselves. Then spring comes and somehow we are more vital, more joyous and stronger both in spite of life's storms and because of life's storms.
Evidently once again I underestimated the power of solid roots and the miracles of spring. My lilac bush has never looked more beautiful or smelled more lovely in the years I have been here.
That lilac bush is the perfect metaphor of life. We have all lived through snapped branches, and the piling and piling of life on top of us. People have given up on us and we may have given up on ourselves. Then spring comes and somehow we are more vital, more joyous and stronger both in spite of life's storms and because of life's storms.
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