A Quick Way To Not Give Up When What you Planned Looks Nothing LikeWhat Is

    This is the time of year when I realize that my gardens look nothing like I planned. The continuous color I had envisioned simply didn't happen and one perennial bed looks like an unmowed section of my front lawn. Growing trees and a few windy rain storms wreaked havoc on a few of my favorite blooms.  The cucumbers and the tomatoes are lagging and some critter invited friends over for a lettuce picnic.

Some version of this story happens every year and every year I have this urge to just give up. Here is how I recover when what I planned looks nothing like what is.

Trash the vision

I am all for vision boards and imagining  an amazing future for ourselves. Planning and imagining my garden helped me survive this past winter. I have a dream and I know just what its fruition feels like. However, when we attach ourselves to the dream we forget the most important part of our lives.

Here and Now

I remember being a newly single mother with three children under six. The future looked so frightening and the past hurt beyond measure. One day,clear out of the blue, I started saying "Here and Now" repeatedly.  The thing about 'here and now' is that the future and the past go away. The fear goes the vision goes and life gets to be just as it is. Then the magic happens.


With the vision gone and your only reality is here and now gratitude just spills everywhere,

Tomatoes and cukes are not doing so great. However, I tried something new this year and planted broccoli. WOWZAS

One garden may be just green but this one is bursting with color.

Life rarely turns out as we planned. however we always have a choice in how we look at it.


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