When driving and there is no traffic light, I always go right, even if I have to go left.
I have put many a necessary item back on the shelf because the check out lines were too long.
Young children should never hear me when a coach runs practice late and I am sitting in my van. (Cuss words galore!)
When the 'tires crunching' in the driveway doesn't happen at the agreed upon time, I become an absolute mess, convinced the worst has happened.
I am not good at waiting.
Recently, I waited ten days for an outcome.
I am not good at waiting.
It wasn't pretty.
I tried to escape:
*I ate a lot of comfort food and indulged in my 'every now and then' favorites. Cheetos and corn chips out of the bag anyone?
*I drank quite a few glasses of wine to ease up the angst.
*I cleaned like a crazy woman.
*I ran hard. I danced even harder. I worked ferociously in the garden.
Thoughts of wisdom came:
"How can this one thing determine good/bad ,sick/healthy?"
"Right now I feel great. That is all that matters."
"This future thing will not take away the joy I feel now."
"I am letting my thoughts of the unknown rule me. I could let what is happening NOW rule me."
My thoughts of wisdom saved me as did the sweat and the snacks and the wine.
I did my sweet happy dance celebration when I received the news and I am one blessed woman.
Yet, waiting.
How does one learn to wait?
A few of my newly learned gems
*Appreciate everything right now!
Right now for me: My jammies are so soft. My teen boys are building legos upstairs.My girl is happy at her summer program. Thank you God.
*Wait at every stop light, every long line and every left turn. Wait and recite the day's Course of Miracles quote.
*Wait and find ten things you appreciate.
* Wait and find a happy memory as a kid.
*Wait and know the best is yet to come.
*Wait and know; Right hand turns are the best course of action in the summer in a tourist town.
*Wait and know this too will bloom with an abundance of food.
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