Being Brave

I posted this beautiful quote/picture by Maryann Radmacher on my facebook page today. I have been thinking of its significance all day. In my quest to be brave this year, I have
 overlooked the daily acts of bravery. I have succeeded in being courageously honest with my feelings. I have taken some risks but I have spent many hours berating myself for not roaring enough.

This quote reminds me as I hope it reminds you, that real courage is in the simple act of showing up for yet another day or another moment as who we are. So I will keep trying in this moment and the next. I invite you to do the same.


Mondays Course of Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes reading the Course of Miracles, and writing and meditating on the day's lesson. Each Monday I share the lesson of the day.

To give and to receive are one in truth. I will receive what I am giving now. ACIM

The lesson calls us to offer peace to everyone in the quiet of our minds throughout the day. As we offer that peace to others it naturally returns us.

 I offer you peace and comfort and joy.

Let It BE

I have been wrestling with a decision. I tend to look at all sides of a situation before I make an assessment. It is a wonderful trait. However like all wonderful traits, it is a double edged sword. All of my thinking, worrying and obsessing got me at the wrong edge of the sword. Suddenly this decision became the focal point of my brain. During my morning exercise I heard this song, by The Beatles:

There will be an answer Let it Be.

Let It Be means stepping away from this decision and trusting that my answer will come in the perfect time. 
Let It Be reminds me that nothing productive or wise EVER comes from a place of worry.
"Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom" sounds like advice from my mom.

So for now, I am leaving this decision on the shelf and when my monkey mind brings it up, I'm going to sing LOUD with The Beatles.

Let it be. Let it be.

In times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me singing words of wisdom
Let it Be.
There will be an answer let it be.

Monday's Course of Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes reading The Course of Miracles, meditating and writing in my journal. Each Monday I share the day's lesson from The Course of Miracles.

          I will step back and let Him lead the way. ACIM

I truly needed to read and reflect on these words today. In my often chaotic 'single mom with three teenagers and a puppy' life I forget that I am never running the show alone. I have a story  in my monkey mind  telling me I am in this journey solo, but when I get quiet and breathe, I remember.  God is guiding me along. I just have to step back and let Him.

Loving What Is

I am hanging out with a virus. Fever, chills, aches, congestion and a cough have visited. At the first sign I gave a great big F you and carried on with my activities. At the second sign, I took a couple of advil, upped my vitamin C and carried on.  Finally there was no more denying it but I still cursed, worried about my to do list, and fought.

As Katie Byron says, " You can argue with what is. You will be wrong 100% of the time but you can still argue."

Somewhere in the midst of a feverish night, I just stopped fighting it. I relaxed in the pain of it all.

I remembered being a little girl with horrible headaches. I used to look at my headaches  from afar, and I would color those headaches in my favorite colors of pinks and yellows. Sleep always came.

I brought that smart little girl back into this fifty year old woman's mind and  colored my aches, my congestion and my cough. Sleep came.

Today I made all of the phone calls necessary to relieve me of anything other than rest for a (gulp) COUPLE of days.

The world didn't end.

I am feeling a tad better.

I am going to go back to bed.

Guessing tomorrow will look a bit like this:

I won't fight that either.

My kids can shovel the driveway.

Loving what is.
