Tuesday's Tips: Happy Families Display Photographs

I am a collector of photographs. I have a plethora of physical and digital albums of pictures. However,I don't like clutter and I don't like having things that I don't use,so the only way I can justify keeping all of those photographs is to keep them circulating.

Every Tuesday I go through an album and display a group on pictures on my fridge. Because of the haphazard way I put photos in albums, the pictures displayed can cover a wide amount of years.
My 6th grade school picture. Circa 1976. This cracked my kids up.

I so love seeing my mom every time I open the fridge.

I always share a fridge picture or two with loved ones. I texted this one to my older sister  asking her why her hands were in her birthday cake.  Circa 1977

My kids always get a kick out of seeing themselves like this;

I also use my photographs as wall art. Knowing that happy families display large amount of photos, I began making year end collages when I first became a single mom. It has become a ritual for my family.

I also have created displays of pictures that I hang in various rooms.

Being surrounded by all of these photographs is being surrounded by love.

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. Andy Warhol

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