I should not have to wash these dishes.

I have to wash dishes AGAIN!
I have more important things to do!
Not having a dishwasher sucks!
My life revolves around dishes in the sink.
I should not have to wash these dishes! 

I spent a good 20,okay maybe 30 minutes fighting with the dishes in the sink.

Who does that? 

Who does that is someone who is arguing with what is. As my favorite teacher , Byron Katie says in a million beautiful ways,

"Arguing with what is creates pain".

So I made washing the dishes fun. 

I played music and danced.

With each dish I washed I sent a prayer for a loved one. I sent a prayer to  a friend. I sent a prayer to a soul in need that I may not even know, 

How could I ever have thought there was anything more important to do than washing the dishes?


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Monday's Course in Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes studying the Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text. 

This instant is the only time there is. ACIM

Monday's Course in Miracles

My daily spiritual practice includes studying A Course in Miracles. Each Monday I share a quote from the text .

I am surrounded by the love of God. ACIM